Cristian N. Gonzalez

Web developer

I am a technology enthusiast, since I started my working career at the age of 18. I have gone through various work areas, I must tell you that my career did not begin in the world of software development, but rather my Master of Works title gave me the opportunity to work with CAD plan drawings. Little by little, that took me to vector illustration moving on to video animations. That fueled my curiosity so that in 2019 I started self-taught at first to dedicate myself to the world of frontend web development, until a very short time later I went through full stack web development.

Technologies I use

In this time I have been able to learn and use some popular technologies in various web or web related projects.


React is a JavaScript frontend framework for building complex applications in a simpler and more scalable way.


Angular is a JavaScript frontend framework for building complex applications in a simpler and more scalable way.


Vue is a JavaScript frontend framework for building complex applications in a simpler and more scalable way.

WebGL & Unity

Unity is the most popular graphic engine, this engine allows you to create very powerful graphic applications and export them to the web and other devices.


Laravel is a Php framework for building backends for web applications. Laravel is based on the Symphony framework.


Nodejs is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient.


Wordpress is the most popular cms, the vast majority of the world's websites use it. It has extensive documentation and tools created by third parties.

AdobeXD, Figma and Zeplin

Adobe xd and figma are used to create and design application sketches, I am not a designer but in this time I have had to work with this.

Electron & Ionic

Ionic builds hybrid apps compatible with IOS, Android, Windows and Web. Ionic uses web standards (html, css, JavaScript)

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